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Ben S1980's details
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I'm so not photogenic!!!College: University of GreenwichMusic: Oasis, The Killers, Artic Monkeys, The Kooks, Chilli Peppers, Coldplay and many many moreTV: Usually comedy, can't stand reality shows though!Books: I guess I love crime thrillers... been reading a lot of Harlan Coben lately!Sports: Football, Football and more Football, love my Fulham - other sports do get a look in but they just aren't as important!Interests: Travelling on a major scale, have now been to over 20 countries outside Europe but still have the thirst to explore some more!Movies: ID has to be the favourite and actors, well I like Ray Winstone, Al Pacino, Robert de Niro, Daniel Day Lewis, Ben Kingsley, Ed Harris....BestFeatures: My heart :0)Dreams: A lottery win perhaps to fund my major interest... that and to find my perfect partner!
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